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surrey safety health and safety training asbestos awareness hampshire hants surrey berks berkshire sussex south east england uk
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This course is aimed at people working in an environment with low risk confined space entry with adequate natural or mechanical ventilation. The course is designed to provide awareness of confined space entry hazards and procedures.​ ​This course would suit trade-personnel working within basements (electrical, plumbing, meter readers/installers etc. ) 


The course is designed for the delegates to acquire basic knowledge and skills through a combination of group discussion, questions and answers and powerpoint presentation. The training course has been designed to meet the Performance Criteria of the National Occupational Standards: Working in Low to medium Risk Confined Spaces.



  • Relevant legislation and guidelines

  • Classification of confined spaces

  • Confined space hazards

  • Safe working procedures

  • Equipment and tools

  • Working in teams

  • Procedures for dealing with emergencies

  • Communication

  • Warning Signs to look out for

  • Health effects

Our Confined Space Awareness Course can be tailored to your requirements to ensure that the learners are equipped when gaining entry to these confined spaces, of all the hazards they can expect and the systematic approach needed to ensure their safety.

confined spaces awareness training course surrey hampshire hants berks berkshire sussex south east london

Course Duration 3 hours

Course cost £350

Course provided onsite for up to 15 people

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