Manual Handling Training is required if your staff are undertaking potentially hazardous manual handling activities, it is a legal requirement under the Manual Handling Operations Regulations to ensure that effective training is provided. Manual Handling injuries account to 36% of all reported workplace accidents.
This Manual Handling Training Course will provide your staff with the knowledge to reduce the risks from Manual Handling activities and understand the basic technique for completing a safe lift. Following discussion with your staff in class, we will tailor the training to suit your business.
The Manual Handling Training Course can be held at Your venue of choice.
What does the Manual Handling Training Course cover?
Spinal awareness and back care.
Manual handling hazards.
Manual handling injuries and the activities which cause them.
Manual handling assessment and assessing cycle.
Safe handling principles.
Inanimate load handling.
Mechanical aids discussion.
Responsibilities imposed by the Manual Handling Operations Regulations.
Controversial techniques.
Team handling and communication.
Practical applications.
Do’s and don’ts.
Hints, tips and techniques.
A certificate of training valid for 3 years.
All of our Manual Handling Courses can be tailored to fit your business and individual needs.
Who are Manual Handling Courses for?
This course is ideal for anyone who carries out manual handling activities at work
and is tailored to your workplace. Please Click Below for booking.....